Thursday, April 22, 2010

New Weird Australia

Featuring Karoshi, Caught Ship, Alps of NSW and Paint Your Golden Face.

Photos by Tenzenmen. Full set here.

A show organised by the endlessly marvellous New Weird Australia.

Yeah yeah long time between updates and this was a long time ago. Plenty of reasons.
I missed Karoshi but they were by all accounts amazing, and only saw the second half of Caught Ship, and by my account were also amazing.

Alps of NSW played stuff I mostly hadn't heard, and all of it was great. Only plays three songs over 20 minutes, but I really dug it all, hadn't seen him since last August.

Alps of NSW - St Petersburg, Sydney, 27/03/2010 - 25.7mb - 24 minutes

When I heard Paint Your Golden Face's name, I knew it would be Liars influenced, but to be honest I just felt like I was listening to a poor man's Drum's Not Dead. Really not my thing, it was just lots of looping really simple drum beats without going anywhere with them. Though when it gets good, it's really great, but those times are way too far and few between.

Paint Your Golden Face - St Petersburg, Sydney, 27/03/2010 - 51.7mb - 36 minutes

1 comment:

  1. Hey man, this bootleg of my set sounds amazing. Can you email me please ?
