Sunday, July 12, 2009

La Dispute/To the North Australian Tour - Spectrum

Supported by Schrodingers Cats and Hira Hira.

I've never really liked Schrodingers Cat and this performance really did nothing to change my mind about them. So I didn't tape them.

Next up was Hira Hira playing their usual set of freaking awesomeness. Nothing out of the usual here except that Spectrum was pretty much full at this point.

Hira Hira - Spectrum, Sydney, 11/07/2009 - 35.9mb - 24 minutes

To the North are probably my favourite Australian band at the moment (Only because Ohana doesn't exist anymore.) and I've seen them every chance I have to. They started out pretty poorly due to a lot of technical difficulties, restarting the same song 4-5 times. But once they got into it they were as awesome as ever. They also had a horn player for one song but you couldn't hear him over the guitars and drums and yelling. It's a shame we only got 5 songs out of them.

To the North - Spectrum, Sydney, 11/07/2009 - 44.1mb - 30 minutes

God damn La Dispute, totally blew me away. Never seen a band so stoked to be in Australia. I never knew they had such a crossover fan-base but it didn't matter because everyone in the room knew every lyric.

La Dispute - Spectrum, Sydney, 11/07/2009 - 47.4mb - 32 minutes

Extra extra thanks to To the North for brining La Dispute to Australia, one of the best shows I've seen in Australia this year. Leaving now to see them at Dirty Shirlows.

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